Sunday – Pasco County Skywarn Training Net

You don’t need to be a meteorologist to be a storm-spotter! No home weather station is necessary, no fancy “chase wagon”. It’s possible to be a spotter by just looking out the window and reporting severe-weather phenomena. In fact, as a Ham Radio Operator, you can be of great assistance during severe-weather outbreaks. All you need is your eyes and a radio with which to report what you see. During severe-weather outbreaks, weather reports will be taken from any and all locations within the affected areas.
If the Skywarn Net is activated, the Lead Operator will instruct storm-spotters on what criteria must be met before reports will be accepted. You may check-in to the Net with your Callsign, SPOTTER NUMBER (if you have been issued one), name and location. Please be careful to report only conditions which closely resemble or meet those criteria given by the Lead Operator. ALWAYS go through net-control (Lead Operator), and give your information as clearly and calmly as possible.
The net, if activated, can be heard on the
146.670 GCARC Port Richey
146.880 EPARS Dade City
146.910 ZAARC Zephyrhills repeater’s (All have PL-146.2
Tuesday – Gulf Coast Amateur Radio Club Net
The Gulf Coast Amateur Radio Club’s Tuesday Night Net is held on the WA4GDN club repeater On 146.670 Mhz at 7:30 PM. This is a Trader’s Net and General Information Net. If you have an amateur radio related item to buy, sell, trade, or want, you may list it here. All brief amateur related announcements may be made here.
Wednesday – ARES Training Net
The Pasco County ARES Wednesday Night Training Net is held on the WA4GDN club repeaters on 146.670 at 7:30 PM. The Pasco County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) provides volunteer emergency communications for served agencies, such as local departments of emergency management, and the broader community. Please enjoy their webpage, and don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like more information or are interested in getting involved. ARES is a group of volunteers who train and qualify to provide emergency communications support when disaster strikes.
The net, if activated, can be heard on the
146.670 GCARC Port Richey
146.880 EPARS Dade City
146.910 ZAARC Zephyrhills repeater’s (All have PL-146.2
Thursday morning Rag Chew Net
The Gulf Coast ARC Ragchew Net is a group of FCC-licensed amateur radio operators who meet on the 146.670 MHz repeater every Thursday, to exchange information and enjoy the fellowship of amateur radio. Net time is 10:00 AM. Our mission is to provide amateur radio operators with a friendly atmosphere in an “all operators welcome” net.
Why Is It Called “Ragchewing”?
Unlike “ham” — an old but etymologically disputed term for amateur radio operators — the origins of “rag chew” are fairly clear. The phrase “chewing the rag” is known to have been used as far back as the late Middle Ages. “Chew” was slang for “talk,” and “rag” is derived from “fat” or is a reference to the tongue. “Chewing the rag” thus became a phrase referring to conversation, frequently while sitting around a meal. Hams picked up that usage from telegraphers. Because most of ham radio is, in fact, conversations, it has been a part of radio from its earliest days.
So please, don’t feel like you’ll tie up the repeater – it’s built to be used as much as you like. As an open invitation to all stations, please connect and join in the rag chew.
Thursday 10 meter Net
Thursday Evenings at 7:00 PM
10 Meters HF – 28.430 MHz SSB (USB)
Purpose is to promote activity on the 10 meter band (especially during low sunspot activity).
To give technician class operators an opportunity to operate phone, and to provide a venue for conversation and experimentation with antenna and ground wave propagation.